Photo: Linda Blacker
"I love talking about taboo topics. Sex and poo is my thing."
At 25, YouTube star Hannah Witton suffered acute abdominal pain.
She’d been a decade in remission from ulcerative colitis, but this episode was so severe she opted to have surgery to remove her colon.
Now, she’s readjusting to life with an ileostomy bag.
As she reveals to Olly in this funny, frank interview, that means recalibrating her attitude to sex, body confidence and her role in the YouTube community...
Elsewhere this episode, smoothly-manicured Ollie Peart has been hanging out in a vineyard for this week’s Zeitgeist. Can English wine really live up to the hype? Or is the French stuff just… better? Naturally, a tasting is in order.
Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox advises Mann-fan Chris about the best remedy for his tight foreskin. Can condoms and lube provide a solution, or is full circumcision the only alternative?
And, for this week’s Lifehack, photographer and video producer Ed Prosser reveals his top tips for how to get a perfect selfie: consider your use of angles, harness the power of natural lighting, and, whatever you do, don’t use a f-ing selfie stick.
Finally, our record of the week is ‘Call Failed’ by Garren Sean, out now.
If YOU’D like to suggest a challenge for Ollie, have a question of sex for Alix, or want to share your story on the show, get in touch via our Feedback form.
And, if you're able to support the show financially, just click ‘Beer Money’ to donate £3.60 per month - the average price of a pint of beer in Britain - to help us produce thirty quality episodes per year. Thanks!
Thanks too to our sponsors for this episode:
- - supporters of The Foxhole. They have a superlative selection of condoms, lube and toys - and remember to use our special code ‘FOXHOLE’ to get 15% OFF at Checkout!
- Podcast Lounge - supporters of The Lifehack. They are the new podcatcher app for Windows 10 devices. Get your free trial at the Windows App Store now.
* An update about Kweku Adoboli:
Kweku has lost his appeal and there's a very real chance he could be deported soon. To Ghana. A country he hasn't lived in since he was 4. If you'd like to support his friends assist his legal challenge - there's a crowdfunding page here.
See You Next Tuesday!