"We are going to lie to you, if we really have to. We have to get you to come to the cinema"
Why are movie trailers more beloved and enduring than other forms of advertising?
How has the medium changed, to keep the video-game generation engaged? And what tricks do editors use to keep us watching, and returning to the flicks, week in week out?
In this episode, editor Gareth Davies sits down with Olly to review some classic examples of the genre, and provides a masterclass in how to market a movie - from the choice of soundtrack, to navigating plot spoilers, and defining the right pace.
Listen Now:
You can watch all the trailers discussed in the interview - Rear Window, Alien, Three Kings, A Serious Man and The One I Love - here:
Hey Siri - Can you tell us how to play our podcast? PLEEEEASEE?
Elsewhere, in this week’s Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart uncovers a plot to sell Guy Fieri’s hair follicles, explains why Google opening up its Maps API could be a game-changer for game developers, and reports back on his challenge to find the perfect combination of words to make this podcast play on Apple Homepod, Amazon Echo and Google Home.
If you have a challenge to set Ollie for a future episode - or think you know how to program an Alexa skill in ways he could only dream of - don’t hesitate to get in touch via our Feedback form.
Meanwhile, in this week’s Foxhole, Alix Fox considers the merits of a reusable tampon applicator, and tackles a buxom listener question: is it possible to have an orgasm solely through licking, flicking and lightly squeezing your nipples?
The Foxhole is proudly sponsored by our friends at MyCondom.com. They have a great range of toys and protection at incredibly good value prices. Check ‘em out, and remember to use our code ‘Foxhole’ to get an astonishing 15% Off!
If you have a question of sex for Alix to answer on a future episode, stick it in her box via our Feedback page - you can remain completely anonymous if you prefer.
Finally, our record of the week is ‘Habibi’, the haunting debut single from half-Egyptian, half-Belgian singer Tamino. It's available to stream now, courtesy of Communion Records:
If you enjoy the show, please support us by buying us a beer for just £3.60 (around $5) via MoonClerk or via PayPal. Your contributions help keep us on the air; funding our independent podcast series so we can continue making episodes you love. Thanks!
See You Next Tuesday...